The local capital is, obviously, an important source of economic growth, states miss Anca Vlad, president of the „Fildas-Catena Group”, prime-vice president of the Confederaţia Naţionala a Patronatului Român (CNPR), showing that 77% of the net declared profits at the level of our country are obtained by Romanian companies, and the difference of 23% by foreign capital companies.
According to her statement, the contribution of the Romanian capital to the gross added value is three times larger compared to the one of the foreign capital.
Anca Vlad stated: “I would like to mention that there is a visible attachment of the Romanian entrepreneurs to the national economy. Practically, almost 100% of the Romanian capital is invested in Romania. By comparison, o about 1% of the direct foreign investments of over 345 billion EUR in 2014 of the countries from the EU was directed to Romania.
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