Elite Companies Gala: Fildas-Catena wins “Leader in the pharmaceutical industry” trophy

Another honorary trophy for the Fildas-Catena Group, which crowns the work of a true team for over 30 years: “Leader in the pharmaceutical industry in Romania”, an award presented at the Elite Companies 2023 Gala, organized by the business magazine Capital.

The Elite Companies Gala is one of the benchmark events organized by Capital magazine, during which top companies operating in the Romanian business environment and contributing to the growth of the Romanian economy are awarded.

The distinction was presented to Mrs. Aurelia Babinciuc, Catena National Sales Director, and Mr. Vlad Țigoiu, Chief Strategy Officer Fildas-Catena.

“Thank you, Capital, for this superb gala. Congratulations to all the award winners tonight. Thank you for the award and the special trophy. We are happy and proud that a Romanian family-owned company is part of the top Elite Companies in Romania. Maintaining our leading position is possible with hard work done with passion, responsibility and professionalism by the entire team. We will commit ourselves as much as we have done and have been doing for over 30 years to support the health of our patients”, said Mrs. Aurelia Babinciuc, at the time of the award ceremony.

To compile the list, the Capital editorial staff took into account criteria such as turnover, profit, number of employees and profitability.

Thus, companies that recorded the best performances in fields such as agriculture, automotive, banking and insurance, construction, energy, pharmaceuticals, logistics, retail, industry, and telecommunications were awarded.